Jan. 27 - 29, 2026 | Atlanta, Georgia USA
Georgia World Congress Center
285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW

Exhibitor Resources

Thank you for participating in the 2025 International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE). We hope your exhbiting experience was an enjoyable and successful one. We look forward to seeing you again in Atlanta for the 2026 IPPE to be held Jan. 27 - 29.

IPPE management cautions all exhibitors to use care when using any service provider who is not an official partner or vendor of IPPE. Please take a moment to review the Approved Vendors and Exhibitor Advisory sections to help prevent your company from being taken advantage of.

Have a question? We have the answer.

Links to Get Started

Exhibitor Resource Center Map Your Show®

Meeting Rooms, TECHTalks, etc.

See "Key Dates & Deadlines" for form availability and deadline information.
IPPE Export Interest Directory

Marketing & Sponsorship

Webinars & Guides

Key Dates & Deadlines